20 October 2006

The Dying BIases Against Photomanipulation and Digital Tools

Emotions: part 2
Originally uploaded by Nicole.Marie.
I see so many teenage artists producing astonishing photomanipulations such as this. And it gives me hope that the digital cameras, scanners, and inkjet printers they use (with such seeming ease) will inevitably be accepted as legitimate tools of artistic creation. My suspicion is that this has already happened, despite the howlings of the old guard. (Throughout history, artists have taken advantage of the latest technology, and I don't see why digital tools should be an exception. I also suspect there are a lot of traditional artists out there who are closet Photoshop users.) I believe that someday, hopefully within my lifetime, people will not think it unusual at all to walk into a studio and see a paint-splattered optical mouse sitting right next to a jar of paintbrushes.

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